Stress Appraisal

One Idea

A team begins the season 4-0, including two come-from-behind victories and a road win against a top 15 opponent. That same team then loses three straight. Two of those losses come at home against teams they were picked to beat.

What’s the best way to appraise the situation?

Social psychologists suggest we have two options: we can either see our obstacles as threats or we can see them as challenges. But be careful, the mindset we choose goes a long way in predicting our future success or failure.

A threat mindset sees setbacks as definitive decline. The thinking here is: all is lost, and we’re on our way down. Viewing obstacles in this way tells a story of fear, scarcity, and loss-prevention. Threat thinking has been proven to inhibit growth. 

A challenge mindset sees setbacks and defeats as an opportunity for increase. The thinking here is: wow that stings, but how can we improve? This position focuses on growth, no matter the circumstance. Viewing obstacles in this way tells a story of courage, resourcefulness, and continued improvement.

Stress appraisal is a fancy term psychologists use to talk about the story we attach to an event. The good news: we always get to choose what story we want to tell.

Two Quotes

“Pain is necessary. Suffering is usually optional.” - Richard Rohr

“What is the difference between an obstacle and an opportunity? Our attitude toward it. Every opportunity has a difficulty, and every difficulty has an opportunity.” - J. Sidlow Baxter

Three Takeaways

1. We define what defines us. We are a 4-0 team. We’re also a team that’s lost three straight. The question isn’t: which is truest of us? The question is: how do we continue to grow? We get to define what defines us.

2. Again, beyond mountains are more mountains. Overcoming this obstacle doesn’t lead to a land of no obstacles. This is what coaching, football, and competitive sports is all about: getting challenged and navigating continued growth. Expect setbacks, and setbacks won’t set you back. Expect growth, and every situation is an opportunity to gain.

3. Keep getting better. In 2016, Miami of Ohio went 0-6 before winning six straight and playing in a bowl game. In 2017, Missouri lost five straight before winning six in a row and making a bowl. In 2003, Kansas State went 4-0, then lost three straight, before winning out and beating an undefeated OU team to win the Big 12 Championship. Forty-eight professional sports have overcome 3-1 playoff series deficits in the NBA, MLB, and NHL. How do teams do this? Their losses never define them. Challenges are but chances to keep getting better.


Goals vs. Gains


Positive Self-Talk