Start With Why

One Idea

Most people don’t lack motivation, they lack clarity. They know what they’re supposed to do, some even how to do it, but if they aren’t clear on why it’s important–the greater purpose, cause, or conviction behind it all–they’ll give up when things are tough or the price gets too high.

This is a key insight of Simon Sinek’s book, Start With Why. In it, he argues that clarity of vision is the driving force behind emotional stability and disciplined decision making. He says that companies and organizations that clearly communicate why they do what they do consistently outperform their competitors.

Perhaps the most useful tool from the book is what Sinek calls, The Golden Circle

WHAT represents the general task at hand. In college football, WHAT is to win football games. WHAT is not unique, in that every football team in America wants to win.

HOW represents the strategy by which the task at hand will be attempted. Some organizations know HOW they’ll do what they do (eg, a preferred scheme on offense or defense, a philosophy of practice, etc.)

WHY is something few organizations know or do well. WHY is not to win football games; that is a result. WHY is the greater purpose, cause, or conviction behind it all. It is the core value(s) or vision driving everything within the organization. 

Two Quotes

“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.” - Simon Sinek

“Working hard for something we don't care about is called stress. Working hard for something we love (our WHY is clear) is called passion.” - Simon Sinek

Three Takeaways

Indicators your why isn’t clear enough:

1. You (think you) lack motivation. You don’t lack motivation, you lack clarity. Get a clear, compelling vision, and you won’t need motivation to get up and get after it.

2. You complain all the time. Complaints are the byproduct of a foggy vision. If the promise is clear, the price is easy to pay.

3. You find yourself cutting corners. 5-star athletes (WHAT) who know your system (HOW) aren’t worth your time if they don’t also share your values (WHY). 


The Plateau of Latent Potential