The Art of Fulfillment
Meaning isn’t something you achieve, win, or stumble upon. Meaning is something you build into your life by how you choose to live it. This course is designed to explore the experiences, practices, and rhythms that lead to a fulfilling life.
+ Distinguish between the science of achievement & the art of fulfillment.
+ Adopt practices of presence, gratitude, growth, and alignment.
+ Identify the meaningful turning points of your life, thus far.
+ Develop practices, mindsets, and rhythms to amplify the conditions of fulfillment specific to you.
+ Identify the roles you play, the intentions you desire for those roles, and the cost to you for realizing those intentions.
+ Contribution — Leave your mark on the world around you.
+ Growth & Mastery — Master your craft & set growth as the goal.
+ Alignment — Pursue wholistic wellness through clarity & alignment across every domain of life.
+ Service — Serve others and foster kinship & community.
+ Friendship — Be a friend, and every arena of life will be meaningful.
+ Mystery & Uncertainty — Know, and gain a certain knowledge. Unknow, and become mature, even wise.
+ Gratitude — Be grateful and realize just how rich your life already is.
+ Presence — The point of power always lives in the present moment.
Resources (not exhaustive)
+ The Art of Possibility (Benjamin & Rosamund Zander)
+ Drive (Daniel Pink)
+ Falling Upward: The Two Halves of Life (Richard Rohr)
+ Man’s Search for Meaning (Viktor Frankl)
+ The Myths of Happiness (Sonja Lyubomirsky)
+ The Power of Myth (Joseph Campbell)
+ The Power of Now (Eckhart Tolle)
+ “Living in Alignment with your Personal Philosophy” ( (Michael Gervais)
+ “Viktor Frankl at Ninety: An Interview” ( (Matthew Skully)